Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Week 1 discussion Development Psychology

Week 1 discussion Development Psychology

Q 1) Embed at least one photo of yourself (if you prefer not to include photos of you, you can include a photo that symbolizes you, just explain it!) 2) Introduce yourselves to the group. Include name, pronouns, how many quarters you've been at UWB OR your estimated graduation date, and your major. 3) List at least one thing about your identity or cultural background AND describe why it's important to you. This could be a language you speak, a country you are from, a cultural group you identify with, a religion or spiritual practice that matters to you, an activity that is significant, or a role you play (e.g., sibling, parent, etc) that matters. 4) How are you taking care of yourself right now? What do you do to relax or take care of yourself when you're stressed out? Please spend some time here. We are living through one of the most undeniably stressful global times in living memory. Pandemic, lock down, fights for racial, gender, and economic justice. Personal stressors from these individual changes as well as radical shifts in what our day-to-day lives look like. This is REAL. So, let's celebrate and learn from each other's strategies for self and collective care. For example, to maintain sanity and well-being I: • Made my internet home screen the calming manatees (Links to an external site.). • Meditate once a week with a friend • Sit in my hammock (Links to an external site.)by a river and journal whenever I can • Identify one activist action I will do every week (donating, chalking to raise awareness, calling public officials) • Volunteer with my mutual aid network (here's a list (Links to an external site.) of them in Seattle, if you're interested) • Regularly do dance parties with friends over facetime following The Fitness Marshall (Links to an external site.) • Slow down and playing with my kiddo every day. Playing soccer, baseball, and video games (we are currently into Terraria) 5) Support you can give. What kind of support do you feel you are good at offering to others? This may be emotional support, writing, tech, brainstorming, child care, whatever you feel makes you a good resource to classmates, talk about it! 6) Support you hope to receive. What kind of support do you need or hope for when learning with others? What would help you be successful and how can classmates be there for you? 7) Suggest a new name for you small group (if someone already made a suggestion you like, you can say that!)

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My name is Tiange Zuo and I can explain myself to be a sports lover so here is the attached picture similar to my personality. You all can call me Zuo and I have done my majors in Psychology and I was graduated last year. I am staying in Arizona, USA, and here right now its early morning. I have enrolled in this class so that I am able to get some knowledge in developmental psychology in depth. I have always been fond of psychology and want to discover and complete courses related to different psychological aspects. I can tell you all that I am a very religious person and I visit Church every Sunday.